What you need to know
We need to see your driver's licence card number. Here’s where you can find your information...
Australian Capital Territory
Front of card:
- Licence number: centre left
- Card number: next to photo (vertical)
- Expiry date: next to licence number.
Australian Capital Territory Driver Licence sample - front
Australian Capital Territory Driver Licence sample - back
Northern Territory
For cards issued after November 2020
Front of card:
- Licence number: centre left
- Expiry date: bottom right.
Back of card
- Card number: bottom right.
Northern Territory Driver Licence - post 1 November 2020 sample - front
Northern Territory Driver Licence - post 1 November 2020 sample - back
New South Wales
Front of card:
- Licence number: centre left
- Card number: top right
- Expiry date: bottom right.
New South Wales Driver Licence sample - front
New South Wales Driver Licence sample - back
Front of card:
- Licence number: top right
- Card number: bottom centre
- Expiry date: centre.
Back of card:
- Card number: bottom right.
Queensland Driver Licence sample - front
Queensland Driver Licence sample - back
South Australia
Front of card:
- Licence number: top left
- Expiry date: centre top.
Back of card:
- Card number: top right.
South Australia Driver Licence sample - front
South Australia Driver Licence sample - back
Front of card:
- Licence number: top left
- Expiry date: centre.
Back of card:
- Card number: top right.
Tasmania Driver Licence sample - front
Tasmania Driver Licence sample - back
Front of card:
- Licence number: top right
- Expiry date: centre left.
Back of card:
- Card number: centre right.
Victoria Driver Licence sample - front
Victoria Driver Licence sample - back
Western Australia
Front of card:
- Licence number: top right
- Expiry date: centre left.
Back of card:
- Card number: centre right.
Western Australia Driver Licence sample - front
Western Australia Driver Licence sample - back