How to discharge your home loan.
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A home loan discharge request is a request to remove Bankwest as the ‘Mortgagee’ on the Certificate of Title. To discharge your home loan, message us in the app or call us.
Discharging your home loan
Common reasons to discharge
You might want to discharge your mortgage with us because:
- Your home loan is paid off and you want to have the Certificate of Title released
- You’re refinancing your home loan to another financial institution
- You’re selling the property held with Bankwest
- There’s been a change in property ownership.
How to request a discharge
To discharge your mortgage call us on 13 17 19, alternatively message us in the app or online banking and we’ll issue you a copy of the Discharge Authority Form.
There are different costs associated with discharging a loan. When you submit a Discharge Authority Form, we will send you a letter which will contain a breakdown of any fees and charges.