What are the payment cut-off times?

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Learn about our payment cut-off times before you make a time-sensitive payment or transaction.

Online banking cut-off times

Payments made before the cut-off times will be processed on the same business day.

Those made after the cut-off times on a business day, or on weekends and public holidays will be processed on the next business day.

Online Banking
Payment scenario Payment types Cut-off time (AWST)1 Funds available in recipient's account
Transfer money, or make a credit card or loan repayment, between your Bankwest accounts2 Internal or linked account transfer 8pm Immediately
Send money to another Bankwest account Pay Anybody 8pm Same business day
Transfer money from your Bankwest account to your account at another Australian bank Linked account transfer 3pm Within 3 business days
Send money to an account at another Australian bank Pay Anybody 3pm Within 3 business days
Pay your bills via BPAY®3 BPAY 4pm Within 3 business days
Send money overseas International Transfer 5pm 3 - 5 business days

Payment cut-off times

International transfers and Real Time Gross Settlements must be received by the payments team before the below cut-off times to be processed on the same business day.

Payment requests received after these times will be processed the following business day.

Real Time Gross Settlements
Payment type Cut-off time (AWST)1
Real Time Gross Settlement 12:15pm
International transfers
Currency Cut-off time (AWST)1
Japanese Yen (JPY) 9:15am
Singapore Dollar (SGD) 9:15am
Hong Kong Dollar (HKD) 9:15am
Papua New Guinea Kina (PGK) 9:15am
New Zealand Dollar (NZD) 9:15am
Australian Dollar (AUD) 12:15pm
All other currencies 1:45pm

Things you should know

  1. Your statements will show the transaction occuring on the next business day if made after 8pm AWST on a business day, on weekends or on a public holiday.
  2. For periodical payments to credit cards, make sure you have sufficient funds. Otherwise, we'll hold the funds as uncleared (to give you time to make good on the payment) and try again at the end of the next business day.
  3. BPAY® Payments made before cut-off time are acknowledged as 'paid' by the biller on the business day the payment is made. However, the funds may not be available in the biller's account for up to 3 business days.

    ® Registered to BPAY Pty Ltd ABN 69 079 137 518