A personal loan can help you take control of your finances and streamline your debt, or finance something big – the world is your oyster!
2 minute read
A personal loan can help you take control of your finances and streamline your debt, or finance something big – the world is your oyster!
2 minute read
From store cards to credit cards, many of us have debt. And when we have lots of different debt, things can get complicated – especially when missing payments means paying penalties.
Take control of your debt by rolling it all into one personal loan, known as debt consolidation. This means the bank pays off your other approved debt so that you’re left with just one loan to manage and pay off.
Personal loans generally have a lower interest rate than credit cards, which means you might be able to pay your debt back faster. Personal loans can also help you resist the temptation to go on a spending spree because there’s no linked credit or store card.
It can take a long time to save for a car. One way to get behind the wheel sooner is to buy a car with a personal loan and pay it off each month. With a fixed rate on your personal loan, you’ll know exactly what your regular repayments will be and how long you have to pay the loan off.
It’s a good idea to get approval for your car loan before you start looking for a car. That way, you’ll know how much you can spend and you might even be able to negotiate the price of the car.
There are some experiences in life that only happen once, like an overseas trip with friends, a honeymoon, or a reunion on the other side of the world. This is where a personal loan can make all the difference and help you cover upfront costs.
Is it time to landscape the garden or upgrade the kitchen? Depending on the size of the project and your budget, a personal loan could help you get your home renovations underway sooner rather than later.
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