Choose less inbox with DocBox

More secure than emails, DocBox provides an easy alternative for sharing supporting documents.

Brilliant brokers get access to DocBox

A tool that’s been built bespoke for our brokers, here’s how to get started once you’ve logged in to our Broker Portal.

Open application​

Go to 'Active applications' and open your client's application.​

Application details​

Choose 'Submit documents' - you can find this under the notes.​

Upload documents

Select 'Choose files' or drag and drop your documents.​

Submit documents​

When you're ready, click 'Submit'. Our validations team will get in touch.

A few things we’ll need​

Make sure you have the following documents handy.​


Have the required identification documents ready.

Financial information

We’ll need proof of income, expenses, assets and liabilities.​

Employment details

Including two recent payslips or bank statements.

Missed something?​

Use our checklist to double check you have what you need​.

Prioritise your application

Quick and easy ways to get your application to the top of the queue.

Check out these handy resources

One-touch validation

There’s a higher chance we’ll put your deal straight through if you:

Need help?

Our retail support teams are here to help.